Identify Speakers in In-Person Meetings

When recording in-person meetings using Google Meet, you can use features such as “Speaker ID”. “Change Speakers,” and “Regenerate Meeting Summary” to reassign and replace the correct speakers in the meeting transcript, and regenerate corresponding summaries based on the new speakers.

Identifying Speakers

  1. Based on the actual number of meeting participants, you can use “Identify Speakers” to resplit the transcript and specify how many speakers to distinguish

SeaMeet dialog for identifying speakers

SeaMeet interface to specify number of speakers

  1. During the speaker identification process, you can leave the meeting at any time and return to view the results when it’s complete

SeaMeet speaker identification in progress

  1. When identification is complete, you can see participants distinguished as different speakers (e.g., Speaker 1, Speaker 2, Speaker 3)

SeaMeet result of identified speakers

Changing Speakers

After completing speaker identification, you can listen to individual speakers in the meeting (e.g., Speaker 1, Speaker 2, Speaker 3) to confirm and change to the correct speakers.

  1. Listen to individual speaker recordings in the meeting and confirm the actual speakers

SeaMeet interface for listening to individual speakers

  1. Choose an existing participant or create a new one to replace the original speaker

SeaMeet interface for choosing or creating a new speaker

  1. Choose whether the “new speaker” should replace a single dialogue or all dialogue segments of the “old speaker”

SeaMeet options for replacing speaker segments

  1. Once all speakers in the transcript have been replaced with the correct speakers, the transcript adjustment is complete

SeaMeet interface showing completed transcript adjustment

Regenerating Meeting Summary

  1. After replacing all speakers in the transcript, you can regenerate the meeting summary based on the adjusted transcript

SeaMeet option to regenerate meeting summary

  1. During the process of regenerating the meeting summary, you can leave the meeting at any time and return to view it when it’s complete

SeaMeet interface showing summary regeneration in progress

  1. After completing the meeting summary, you can view the generated summary based on the new speakers

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