1. What is the Twilio 30007 error, and how does it affect bulk messaging?

The Twilio 30007 error occurs when a carrier filters your message. This can disrupt bulk campaigns. To learn how to prevent this, check out this blog.

2. How are “DNC” labels captured in SMS?

“DNC” labels are added to a recipient if they reply the following phrases: stop, cancel, end, quit, stopall, unsubscribe, remove me, stop sending me messages, wrong person and wrong number.

3. How are “DNC” labels captured in WhatsApp?

Same as SMS, “DNC” labels are added to a recipient if they reply the following phrases: stop, cancel, end, quit, stopall, unsubscribe, remove me, stop sending me messages, wrong person and wrong number.

Additionally, WhatsApp provides a button specifically to unsubscribe from marketing messages like the following “Stop Promotions” button:

Stop Promotions to capture DNC

If a user clicks on it, then the “DNC” label will be applied to the user.

A marketer can insert this “Stop promotions” button by selecting the “Marketing opt-out” as the Quick Reply type button:

Stop Promotions to capture DNC